Can Do #23: No more learning?
(Konstantin Gorbatov, Roofs.Venice)
Welcome to edition #23 of Can Do, a newsletter where I share my journey of building a Career Multiverse™.
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Newsletter at a Glance
Career Multiverse™: Course creation
Article: Hyper-Individualized Learning for a Hyper-Individualized Future
Tweet: Just-in-time vs. just-in-case learning
Career Multiverse™
Just when I thought my schedule was already packed for the next couple of months, I made it even fuller.
I signed up for one more class last week. That’s in addition to three classes I was already taking. I simply couldn’t help myself.
I spent the first half of this year exploring and testing different options for what to do next in my career. Now that I am crystal clear on what I want to achieve, my natural impatience has kicked in, and I want to move fast to make my goals a reality.
Jessica and I have so many exciting product ideas at Walnut, but we had to start with one. We decided to launch a course as our first product. It is the least complex idea to implement. However, no matter how simple that may seem, it can still be complicated if you have never done it before—too many unknowns; too much trial and error.
To give ourselves the highest chance of success at the fastest rate possible, I signed up for a program that will teach us how to create experiential courses. The program comes with a large amount of support, coaching, feedback, pre-written content, etc. It should help up accelerate the creation of our first product.
After taking so many classes over the past 30+ years, it is exciting to create a course of my own. When I was finishing my doctorate, I considered for a brief moment staying in academia and teaching. I quickly realized that was not the right path for me.
Digital products are different. Digital courses are usually more engaging for the participants and financially lucrative for the instructors.
Hyper-Individualized Learning for a Hyper-Individualized Future
I love following futurists and reading their foresight describing what we might see in the future.
One of my favorite futurists is Thomas Frey. I read his newsletters and articles all the time. This article was particularly interesting because it combines two of my interests: web3 and the future of education.
I am a huge believer in personalized education, and I cannot wait to see it become the norm. I also think that micro-credentials could be an incredibly effective way for us to manage lifelong learning.
The way Thomas Frey described the possible future of hyper-individualized learning is truly inspiring.
This is a powerful wake-up call. Am I a “just-in-case” learner? Given how many courses I take, I must be. After this round of classes, I will probably reduce the number of them I take in the future.
Thank you for reading!